Sunday, February 5, 2012

Shepherd Chicken Pie

Parents went up North today, so I got the chance of taking over the kitchen. After a war with the maid (which didn't really happen), me and a friend of mine started attacking the kitchen. 

I went to for recipe, which, the recipe is superbly usable, Shepherd Chicken Pie @ Food&Whine (click for the website). Though we didn't use some of the recipe as we can't find some of them (onion powder) and we ignored the sour cream (frankly, I hated it), and we changed beef to chicken, and some other recipe to suit our taste. 

Since my 12.1megapixel camera is taking a vacation from its battery, I tried my best with a 5megapix camera phone.

After 5 minutes of me screaming: COME LOOK! IS THE CHICKEN COOKED YET?!, 

Shepherd Chicken Pie, without the toppings.
The fluffy mash potato, that oddly, looks a lot like rice.
Covering the pot up,
and into the oven it goes!

After 25 minutes of sauna in the oven, the pie is finally done! 

now, DROOL! 

Accompanied by Orange Vodka Cocktail my friend fixed up, dinner was a success!

Sister was scraping the sides of the pot for mashed potato, screaming for more. Success by the first try, I'm contented.
Credit goes to my-friend-who-must-not-be-named who whipped up the wonderful cocktail and boiled the potato, and my maid who chopped all the onions and chicken, cause honestly, I sucked at it.

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