Saturday, September 24, 2011

They have feelings too.

27 wild dolphins were recently captured in the Solomon Islands. Since their capture, two have already died. They wait in temporary holding pens for Resorts World Singapore, or RWS, to complete its marine mammal park. There, they will live our the remainder of their shortened lives by entertaining people in order to turn a profit for RWS. Many will die within the first seven years
Mastercard is currently running a special promotion with RWS. The special began in July and ends on November 18th. During the promotion, cardholders can purchase discounted tickets to RWS and receive a retail voucher if they use their Mastercard. 
Ask Mastercard to end their promotion with RWS and send a strong message to the resort that kidnapping wild dolphins isn't acceptable. Tell them to do business with other theme parks and stop promoting the live dolphin trade.
For more information on the dolphins, please visit:

CLICK HERE to sign the petition.

Visit CHANGE.ORG to  help make the world a better place. A small click may help a person, an an animal gets treated the right way. 

I'll say thankyou beforehand for your time. (:

1 comment:

  1. This is really awesome.i like your profile looked 3 years younger.haha.
