Thursday, September 29, 2011

Look at life in a different way

Laugh, Giggle, ROFL, go nuts.

Scream, jump,

Nothing is too crazy for you.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


When your exam is near, the best I can do, is give you this advice.

Sleep well and relax a for the week before exam.

Then, instead of sleeping the night before your test,

Do this,
[be careful of flammable oil]

Drink this amount of coffee.

It works, seriously.

Side note:
Side effect include:
sleep during the day, and sensitive towards the sunlight.

In conclusion,
without the sparkles.
[Sadly, no blood drinking and fangs involved]

For sparkling effect (if you insist),
kindly ask for the Cullen's assistance,

Go nuts rolling in glitter.


I would say it like a little girl. 

 They're practically my family. I wouldn't give them up for anything else in the world. [HEART]

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bottom's up

Getting drunk wouldn't be a bad idea right now.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Addiction, is a dangerous thing


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fly away

Someday, I would like to just hop on a random plane available in the airport and fly somewhere. Just to get away from everything.
And the next phone call to me, I'll be saying: ' I'm not in the country right now. I'm in.. (say) Paris. Will call you when I get back.'

Note to self: Carry my passport everywhere I go.

They have feelings too.

27 wild dolphins were recently captured in the Solomon Islands. Since their capture, two have already died. They wait in temporary holding pens for Resorts World Singapore, or RWS, to complete its marine mammal park. There, they will live our the remainder of their shortened lives by entertaining people in order to turn a profit for RWS. Many will die within the first seven years
Mastercard is currently running a special promotion with RWS. The special began in July and ends on November 18th. During the promotion, cardholders can purchase discounted tickets to RWS and receive a retail voucher if they use their Mastercard. 
Ask Mastercard to end their promotion with RWS and send a strong message to the resort that kidnapping wild dolphins isn't acceptable. Tell them to do business with other theme parks and stop promoting the live dolphin trade.
For more information on the dolphins, please visit:

CLICK HERE to sign the petition.

Visit CHANGE.ORG to  help make the world a better place. A small click may help a person, an an animal gets treated the right way. 

I'll say thankyou beforehand for your time. (:

Jamais ♥

Tu me manques.

Truth to be said,

Je t'embrasse,

Movies, Movies and MOVIES.

There are a couple movies this fall I wanted to watch. Damn you, Finals.

These two are TOP PRIORITY.
And also Johnny English. And Nasi Lemak 2.0

The scene of ordering Nasi Lemak at the ticket counter gonna be funny.
This, is the movie.
This, is the food.

I had a friend who was buying the ticket, and the worker asked: 'Mau tambah Rendang? (want to add curry chicken?)'

Now, I've gotta find someone as insane to watch it with me.

A tongue has no bone,but its strong enough to break a heart.

Be careful of what you say.
A joke, a laugh;
You might ruin someone's life unintentionally.

When it's good, It's good.

This made me wanna sing and dance

Friday, September 23, 2011


Don't fall in love. Fall off a bridge. It hurts less.

Honestly, I want to be in love like this two are. Doesn't everybody? Getting hugged for no reason at all, smiling like a mad person reading a text..

The only thing I'm afraid of, is the downfall.

Yeux, comme le soleil.

Have you ever seen a pair of eyes that just caught you like a web?
That makes you melt like a pathetic ice?

Alright then.

Still a NO huh?

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Its not a sign of weakness. 
It means you've been strong for far too long.

One day, I swear, I'm gonna jump from this

with a parachute of course. :)
Into the water. Priceless.


One day, I'm going to find it.

LEGEN--wait for it-- DARY!

Whaddup! Introducing, Barney Stinson.
Truth be told, if he is to be a real guy, I'd marry him.

Barney's Blog!  << Click here.

Best quote:
When I feel sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True Story.

Plus, !


and lastly, I end this up with a picture summarizing quotes of the Barnacle. Frankly, cause you'll never get enough.

Suit up!

Je veux oublier

Want to forget? Drown this babies down your tummy. Memory erased, guaranteed.

Jack Daniels. Not really my thing though. Vodka, is my baby.

Say it like you mean it

Damn right I want.
But would you say it?

So many places, so little time

I feel like I've been living through 19 years of my life, doing nothing much.
time's running out.
There's so many things I want to do, so little time to do it. 100 years is not enough for me to do it. 

De départ plus

Starting over,
fresh and new.
Every time I tried to just work something out, I'd press down whatever I feel and laugh it through, but inside, I'm dying a little, everytime.

I've float through my life enough. Its time to put my foot down, and set things right.